Teaching tip - - Provide student choice
Looking for a secret sauce to a better learning environment in an high school setting? Then keep reading...

Student choice!
Allow students to take control of their education by providing them with choices during class. Have several different types of activities covering the same concept ready to go and let students choose which activity they would like to experience in class.
Is this more work on me? Without doubt!
Is it worth it in the long run? Definitely!
Here’s my WHY…
-- Students believe they have full control making them WANT to practice because it enhances their excitement, which will ultimately give me a better representation of their depth of understanding.
-- Not all students like to practices the same way, via technology or hands on.
-- Creates a better learning environment for all.
More choices to be made by students:
-- Work Space: Work wherever you want, with a zero-tolerance policy already in place. AKA their first offense means they must move their location.
-- Partner up! Let them partner up but make sure they understand partners mean twice the amount of activities they should be able to complete....Because let’s me honest, we all know they divide and conquer.
-- Music: Allow students to listen to music in their ears. Trust me, you will be thanking me for this choice.
-- Utensils: Some students prefer pencil/pen and some love whiteboards.
Here is what my day looked like today...
Exponent rules practice...
{{Keep in mind this is a 45 minute class period}}
First 10 minutes, give or take, I teach, A's teach, B's teach. Then I present the choice activities. I keep it super simple and simply show the students their options and where each activity can be found. I provided them with 5 different options
- Domino set
- Match up - - Click here is you would like this activity for free
- Triangle puzzle
- Two Truths & a Lie worksheet
- Collect & Find
They also got the privilege to work with a partner, move spots and put music in their ears. Trust me when I say it may sound like chaos but I promise it is controlled. There are expectations and guidelines students must follow even though they feel they are "in control". Give it a try and let me know how it goes!